jueves, 3 de diciembre de 2015


A lot of albums of The Beatles are considered as their peak, and was acclaimed for the critics. The Sargent Peppers, Revolver or The White Album are examples of this. They are usually considered in the "Best albums ever" polls, but the critics are harsh on the album Rubber Soul, recorded in 1966. It had been less acclaimed than the quoted albums, but his importance are equally notable: It was the first album of the rock era that sounded like an album, with the astringent guitar of George, a heavily compressed piano and a thread of black humor.

The comedy and the irony are included in several songs of Rubber Soul, specially about other countries in the region.  The Beatles tried to assimilate the continental countries sounds, on a very exotic form. Examples of this are the songs Michelle ( A french pastiche), Girl (A Weimar-esque song), and Norwegian Wood (a parody of the Scandinavian).Also The lyric in this song are the firs on included content about sex (although very camouflaged, like Drive My Car), and contents of true darkness (like girl, Run For Your Life or In My Life).


The link:


jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

26/11 Blog correction.

In this moment, besides of read the books that I need for the University, either for work or to my memory, I'm reading a book called "Where rainbows ends”, of Cecelia Ahern.

The genre of this book is a (unnecessary) novel, which narrates a love story. A friend told me that I should to read, and sent me the link for facebook.

The truth is that I enjoyed this book. To be honest, it isn’t a type of book that I read usually, but I'm enjoying (T, enjoying or enjoyed????) it a lot.

This book is different because the author writes through letters, emails, postcards, chats and a series of ways, for the that (WW) have been reported two best friends throughout his life (***), through these messages the history (WF) of both is told it, besides the things that are happening with the passing of time.
Rosie and Alex, are the protagonists of the book, and (v) are two friends who have known since childhood, and over the years (when both are adult), they realize that both feel (T) a great love for other (v, Which other).
A(WF) year ago, was premiered the movie called "Love, Rosie", the movie of this book (WO). This (v, clarify that is the movie) is nice, but I feel that the essence of the book(P) that is the strong friendship of both (P) has been lost(T), giving way to the narrative of a story that was only of love from the start, and it is not(T).

In fact, the confusion that beginning (T) to feel Alex and Rosie affected deeply both(v), and this doesn't (T)look as reflected ) in the movie.

They after (WO; WW, before*) have made their lives, they get married with other persons, and they had children, fail (T) in their relationships,(P) they decide finally (WO) to take a chance. This is that the shows the Book(WO).

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

19/11 A book

well, recently I began to read a book of Michel Foucault, called "technologies of the self", published on 1981. This is a academic book, and I am reading it for a work of a course about violence in the university. The idea of this work is take contents of the course and analyse an aspect of life with them.

The book is about how a disciplinary device can have consequences on a particular form of human concept in the contemporary  society. The technologies of self can force and define a concept of how you must be or do. For the date of publication, this book are about bio politic topics, because the author concentrated on this  topic at the end of his academic production, near these years.

I am enjoying it because I like the writing form of Michel Foucault. I usually like to read him even if the topic of the text were boring. Also it is a short book (only one hundred pages), and with big letter, so I think that it won´t take much time. I read it in the bus travels to the university and I finished twenty pages.

I am not enjoying it because I would like to read other thing, or spend time in other things. I would prefer to read literature, novels or poem books, within things to do. I need a long holiday.

jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015

12/11 Free Post: Surrealist cinema

I'd like to write about films, but a special kind of that. Of all of genres on cinema, one of my favorites is the surrealist cinema. This genre seems very strange in the first time,  because his parameters escape from the usual logic. The surrealism is characterized for express the art far away from the rational forms, exploring different associations and meanings. The surrealism like an art form is very connected with the unconscious concept of the psychoanalyst theories, because the expression in illogical  forms would be associated outside the conscious, in and unconscious logic.

The surrealism can be expressed in the several forms of arts, but I like it more in films. The lineal argument, such common in the Hollywood industry of cinema, is usually missing there. The scenes are so strange and striking, and so illogical that you become to appreciate the film in another manners by the visual esthetic, by the feeling. When I became to watch this kind of film, I find a new form of appreciate the art, in a lees rational manner.

One of the most celebrated director of surrealist cinema, and one of the first, was Luis Buñuel. His film, "Un Perro Andaluz" are usually his mots recommended film. Other director, more recent, and that I like more,  is David Lynch. I recommend his film "Muholland Drive".

jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2015

05/11 Practice

In reading I had a good mark, with all parts over the high mark. I think that this is mi best area with vocabulary, because it's what I've practiced more. I had best mark with the short text, so I must be more concentrated in the long texts  On listening I have the worst mark, over the half score. This has always been my worst area with speaking, so I think I need to improve listening more in english. In vocabulary I had an excellent mark, but I think that in this area you always need to practice, learning new words.

jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015

29/10 Jonny Greenwood

         I like listen and make music a lot, and play instruments. of these I prefer to play guitar, because I got familiar with it. Is for that I usually admire some musicians, specially guitarist. Jonny Greenwood is the principal guitarist of a band called Radiohead, one of my favorite bands. But Jonny don´t play only guitar: he plays piano, several kinds of keyboards and synth, a strange instrument called ondes Martenot, bass, banjo... well, a lot of instruments. In spite of that, I don't admire him for the number of instruments that he plays, I admire him for his compositions, his form of play the instruments and make original and magnificent melodies or harmonies, and how he influenced the sound of Radiohead on his most celebrated albums.

     I know Jonny since I became to listen Radioheads music, about four or five years ago. Immediately I became fan of the band, and listened all his albums. The first thing that attract my attention was the sound of the Jonny Greenwood guitar, and then the forms of composition of the band. With the time, reading about the band on internet, I notice about the important influence of Jonny on the final result of the songs of the band, together with Tom Yorke, and I became a fan of his sound and form of play guitar.

         If I got to know him, I would ask him about his sound, how he reach this, with what. I would ask him for stay in the recordings of the new album of Radiohead until they finish it. I would be very happy with that.

jueves, 22 de octubre de 2015

22/10 Environmentalism

I haven't incorporated recycling in my life, never. I think that I should, but i have not dedicated yet. I think that is important to be more aware with the environment, and try to do things for that. I have not joined to any eco-organizations, because I have not informed about the values and practices that it implies. Something that I would to be to help the planet is do not contribute to the contamination. I would not like to buy a car, for example, or buy an electric car. Meanwhile I try to use recyclable things, for not contribute to make unnecessary rubbish.

In Santiago seems that nobody, or not much people, is worry about the environment, including me. The streets are a lot of time with rubbish and the people dirty constantly. The government doesn’t make it better. To see a real change, I think that we need to take radical decisions, like discontinue the use of combustible, in favor of renewable energy, and begin to envelope "green" technology. Also provide accessible forms to recycle and promote the use of recyclable things. Protect the green areas in the cities and in the world would be an important point to preserve the environment.

In conclusion we are too far to have an aware society about the environment, but inevitably we will be taken by force to take care of the world, when the impact of human contamination becomes irreversible.