jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

24/09 Fiestas Patrias

 Well, what make chileans chileans? I suppose that the particular traditions of the people. I think that it will change if we talk about the south or northern of Chile, but the thing that can agglomerate all the people is the patriotic feeling, the identification with the territory and the assimilation of the state form of organization and government. If anyone can't do this (like me), i think that it could be called chilean only for living  in a territory called Chile. About the habits, it seems that we do a several things that are particular of september 18, like dance cueca, eat typical foods, or playing rayuela, things that maybe are more typical of the central-south zone of Chile, of a particular period of his history. The rayuela seems a funny game, but i don't know how it plays. The same thing happens me with volantín and trompo. I'm not really interested in that traditional activities. About rodeo, i think that is boring and unnecessary, i mean,  chase a cow to corral it with horses it's an absurd act of violence, only for the object to entertain people.

I normally celebrate Fiestas Patrias in family, with my grandmother and uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. Usually we have a dinner with typical foods and some of they dance cueca. the idea is share a good familiar moment. In this year i didn't celebrated, although my family did. I had planning to do some important things that i did't want to postergate. Fiestas patrias are not very important to me, that's why  i could take me apart of this. For the same reason i can't remember something like "the best Fiestas Patrias that i ever have". I suppose that i only hope to stay with my family and talk a little, at least, the better Fiestas Patrias have been like that.

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

10/09 September 11th

Tomorrow, September 11th, will be a relevant day in the history of Chile. That day, in 1973, has place a military coup against the socialist government of Salvador Allende, at the head of Augusto Pinochet. Since then, and for 17 years, people in Chile resist a cruel dictatorship that violated their human rights. Actually, is usual that, in September 11th, people protest and remember the terrible events happen in this period, including young people that wasn't born yet when the dictatorship finish. Many people criticise them and devalue their protests, but i think that young people, and all of people, has the right  to give their opinion about the history, and revindicate practices that are still coerced, like the same protest. In no case i think that this is a outdated topic, because the reflection about the history is very important to comprehend our context and make social changes.

I think that the state of Chile has dealt of a very poor manner with the people responsible of crimes against the human rights. Sometimes valuable information to the victims is occulted by the responsible militarist, and the guilty militarist prisoners are usually in very comfort jails, prepared to military convicts. This is still a motive of protest.

Finally, i feel is correct that the people (young or older), protest for their beliefs about the history and their beliefs of how it affect us in the actuality, in the traditions, the state bureaucracy and  the repressive police force, etc..., but i think that these protest must be after of learn sufficiently, and sustained in that learning.

jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

03/09 Talking about places

Well, i almost never go to visit places, i don´t like so much. Talking about places in de world, i never had visit places out of Chile, because in my family don´t have much money to travel.  even though Santiago (the city where i live) don´t have big atractives and it will be tedious, i feel accustomed.

If i would have to choose any place to go, i wouldn't choose a place in another countries. I would prefer to go to south of Chile, specifically to Valdivia. The reasons are simple: is a city where rains frecuently, where you usually need to stay at home with a good heating, reading a book or talking with somebody kind. Also i like the vegetation, the forests nearly,  the Calle-Calle river, the fresh air and the serenity of the cities less populated.

I want to know how the people lives in this kinds of citys, the typical places that the natives used to visit. I want to see the river and walk througth the principal streets. Iwant to go tho te forest nearly and enjoy the enviroment, and,  of course, i want to stay at home, peacefull.

I alwais like to live in a city like Valdivia, find a job or to study on something interesting or better, dedicate to my hobbies. My principal desire in a city like that is get away of santiago, al live my life of a more serene way. Here, a image of the place.
