jueves, 3 de septiembre de 2015

03/09 Talking about places

Well, i almost never go to visit places, i don´t like so much. Talking about places in de world, i never had visit places out of Chile, because in my family don´t have much money to travel.  even though Santiago (the city where i live) don´t have big atractives and it will be tedious, i feel accustomed.

If i would have to choose any place to go, i wouldn't choose a place in another countries. I would prefer to go to south of Chile, specifically to Valdivia. The reasons are simple: is a city where rains frecuently, where you usually need to stay at home with a good heating, reading a book or talking with somebody kind. Also i like the vegetation, the forests nearly,  the Calle-Calle river, the fresh air and the serenity of the cities less populated.

I want to know how the people lives in this kinds of citys, the typical places that the natives used to visit. I want to see the river and walk througth the principal streets. Iwant to go tho te forest nearly and enjoy the enviroment, and,  of course, i want to stay at home, peacefull.

I alwais like to live in a city like Valdivia, find a job or to study on something interesting or better, dedicate to my hobbies. My principal desire in a city like that is get away of santiago, al live my life of a more serene way. Here, a image of the place.


6 comentarios:

  1. Valdivia is so beatiful! an amazing place to visit in Chile :)

  2. I think Valdivia and its people are great. The botanical garden is beautiful :)

  3. Calle-Calle river is amazing!!!! We have to go with Allyson and Kukys my friend :L

  4. I think the South will always be a good choice, too chile think has nothing to envy of other countries , it is a spectacular place.

  5. I agree with you, I think there are many beautiful places that can be known in Chile, especially in the South, I love it.

  6. I am lucky to have met Valdivia and I very much agree that it is a beautiful and magical place, both in its environment, its culture and its people. Also their material culture and history are beautiful and deserve to hear and investigate.
    If I had to choose a place to live, without thinking I would be within my options.
