Tomorrow, September 11th, will be a relevant day in the history of Chile. That day, in 1973, has place a military coup against the socialist government of Salvador Allende, at the head of Augusto Pinochet. Since then, and for 17 years, people in Chile resist a cruel dictatorship that violated their human rights. Actually, is usual that, in September 11th, people protest and remember the terrible events happen in this period, including young people that wasn't born yet when the dictatorship finish. Many people criticise them and devalue their protests, but i think that young people, and all of people, has the right to give their opinion about the history, and revindicate practices that are still coerced, like the same protest. In no case i think that this is a outdated topic, because the reflection about the history is very important to comprehend our context and make social changes.
I think that the state of Chile has dealt of a very poor manner with the people responsible of crimes against the human rights. Sometimes valuable information to the victims is occulted by the responsible militarist, and the guilty militarist prisoners are usually in very comfort jails, prepared to military convicts. This is still a motive of protest.
Finally, i feel is correct that the people (young or older), protest for their beliefs about the history and their beliefs of how it affect us in the actuality, in the traditions, the state bureaucracy and the repressive police force, etc..., but i think that these protest must be after of learn sufficiently, and sustained in that learning.
I think the same thing about, because many people savage the protests,but I empathize with the people because angry of people it´s obvious because they suffered a lot and they happen very horrible situations
ResponderEliminarI think the state should take responsibility for those who violate human rights, because they killed many innocent persons.
ResponderEliminarI agree with you in many points
ResponderEliminarNice comment :)