jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015

08/10 Free: Listen music

One of the things that I spend more time in the day is listen music. I like a lot of styles an genres of music, but I have some preferences: I'm a fanatic of alternative rock, and all of this subgenres. This kind of music was principally enveloped on 90' decade, and the most important bands had their creative and popularity peak in these years. It was a period characterize for a resistance against the mainstream music enveloped in the past years, that was focus in be popular and commercial. The idea of alternative rock was create a music with no conventional elements, with unusual structures and new sounds, for ignore the forms of mainstream music, that was the most diffused.  Several genres and styles of music was developed for this, like grunge, shoegaze or the inclusion of noise.  I like All of these.

Definitely, that I search in this music, and in the music in general, is new possibilities to think music. I like listen new or unexpected things, but always thinking about the final result, in how the musician mixed the sounds to make and get a particular esthetic. It wasn't always like that. When I was a child, I became to listen music with groups of classical and popular rock of the 60' and 70' decades. I usually listened bands like The Beatles, Rolling Stones or Led Zeppelin, bands that was very popular and a reference for the mainstream music. I was very closed minded, but with the passing of time, I opened my eyes and became to listen other kinds of music. Now I'm always listen new groups and searching new sounds.

3 comentarios:

  1. I enjoy very much listen music too, I think it´s a really great hobbies and the world it´s nothing without music. Great bands you listen too! My favorite band is Muse

  2. I spent a lot of time listen music, i think is one of the amazing things of the life, i can imagine my life without music. Cheers !!

  3. I disagree with you, the "mainstream music" rules. Usually the new sounds are very artificial. That's my opinion, sorry Eyki :(
