jueves, 1 de octubre de 2015

01/10 About a present

It was very easy to me choose a present that was important to me. About near four years ago, my father gave to me my first electric guitar. Well, it wasn’t really my first ever, because I have had another electric guitar, that was given by my aunt in very poor conditions, and that was fixed up by me. This first guitar really sucks; it was shabby, uncomfortable, and sounded bad. I couldn't do many things with it, but with the new guitar I could play more time and in better conditions, more comfortable and with a sound that was chosen by me. I remember the day that I went to buy the guitar with my father and with a friend. I tried many different guitars, with different sounds and systems, in different prices and forms, and with different amplifiers. I spent the whole morning in the store. At the end of the day, I had to choose a guitar that had the best sound in an accessible price, because the budget wasn't much. Finally, I chose my actual, and although isn't very expensive, it has a sound that liked me for a very long time. Now, I play with this guitar always that I can, I play it in many opportunities with bands and it had served me to discover new sounds possibilities. I have so many memories with it, memories that, I hope, keep rising.

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